Contact Us
Use the form below to get in touch or old-fashioned phone calls work too.
Call Justin Robb >> 027 7040030 or email:
You will find us at our Factory:
12 E Pataka Lane, Waipapa 0230,
Northland, New Zealand.
CTurn off SH10 at Wrightsons PGG Waipapa and follow our signs and arrows.
Contact form
Where to find us
Head along the New Zealand State Highway 10 and turn onto Pataka Lane, where you will find us at 12 E Pataka Lane, Waipapa, 0230, Northland.
We're open Monday to Friday 7.30am - 3.30pm.
Thanks for visiting Precast Products
Stoney Creek Smokehouses
SmokehousesStoney Creek Smokehouses are the creation of Justin Robb who's love for fishing and the versatility of concrete has led to the smokehouse creation.